Does Fish Take Less Water Use Than Beef

June eleven, 2018

Choice matters: The ecology costs of producing meat, seafood

beef cows

Industrial beef production is one of the most plush to the environment, a new study shows.JacquelinNix/Istock/Thinkstock

Which food type is more environmentally costly to produce — livestock, farmed seafood, or wild-defenseless fish?

The reply is, it depends. Merely in general, industrial beef production and farmed catfish are the most taxing on the environment, while small, wild-caught fish and farmed mollusks like oysters, mussels and scallops have the lowest environmental touch, according to a new assay.

growing osyters

Growing oysters at a farm in Thailand. jomkwan/Istock/Thinkstock

The study appears online June xi in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, and its authors believe information technology is the most comprehensive look at the environmental impacts of unlike types of animal protein production.

"From the consumer's standpoint, choice matters," said pb writer Ray Hilborn, a University of Washington professor in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. "If you're an environmentalist, what yous eat makes a divergence. Nosotros found at that place are obvious expert choices, and actually obvious bad choices."

The study is based on nearly a decade of assay, in which the co-authors reviewed hundreds of published life-bicycle assessments for various types of animal protein production. Too called a "cradle-to-grave" analysis, these assessments wait at environmental impacts associated with all stages of a product's life.

Of the more than than 300 such assessments that exist for animate being food production, the authors selected 148 that were comprehensive and not considered likewise "boutique," or specialized, to inform their new study.

As decisions are made about how food product expands through agricultural policies, trade agreements and environmental regulations, the authors note a "pressing need" for systematic comparisons of environmental costs across brute food types.

"I think this is one of the most of import things I've always done," Hilborn said. "Policymakers need to be able to say, 'There are sure food product types we demand to encourage, and others we should discourage.'"

Broadly, the study uses iv metrics equally a way to compare environmental impacts across the many different types of animal food production, including farm-raised seafood (chosen aquaculture), livestock farming and seafood caught in the wild. The four measures are: free energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, potential to contribute excess nutrients — such as fertilizer — to the surroundings, and the potential to emit substances that contribute to acid pelting.

fishing boat

A angling boat off the coast of Ireland.FrankMirgach/Istock/Thinkstock

The researchers compared environmental impacts across nutrient types past using a standard amount of 40 grams of protein — roughly the size of an average hamburger patty, and the daily recommended poly peptide serving. For instance, they calculated how much greenhouse gas was produced per 40 grams of protein across all food types, where data were available.

"This method gives u.s.a. a actually consequent measurement people can chronicle to," Hilborn said.

The assay showed clear winners that had depression environmental impacts across all measures, including farmed shellfish and mollusks, and capture fisheries such as sardines, mackerel and herring. Other capture fish choices with relatively low impact are whitefish similar pollock, hake and the cod family. Farmed salmon as well performed well. Just the study besides illuminated striking differences across fauna proteins, and the researchers suggest that consumers must decide what environmental impacts are most of import to them when selecting their food choices.

Some of the additional findings include:

  • Overall, livestock production used less energy than most forms of seafood aquaculture. Farmed catfish, shrimp and tilapia used the virtually energy, mainly because constant water circulation must be powered by electricity.
  • Catfish aquaculture and beef produce most xx times more greenhouse gases than farmed mollusks, modest capture fisheries, farmed salmon and chicken.
  • Mollusk aquaculture — such as oysters, mussels and scallops — actually blot excess nutrients that are harmful to ecosystems. In contrast, livestock beef production rated poorly in this measure, and capture fisheries consistently scored meliorate than aquaculture and livestock because no fertilizer is used.
  • Considering livestock emit ammonia in their manure, and producing their feed requires called-for fossil fuels, they performed poorly in the acid pelting category. Farmed mollusks once more performed the all-time, with minor capture fisheries and salmon aquaculture close backside.
  • For capture fisheries, fuel to ability fishing boats is the biggest factor, and differences in fuel use created a big range of performance in the greenhouse gas category. Using a purse sein internet to catch small schooling fish like herring and anchovy uses the least fuel and, perhaps surprisingly, pot fisheries for lobster utilize a great deal of fuel and thus have a loftier bear on per unit of protein produced. Dragging nets through water, known as trawling, is quite variable and the touch appears to exist related to the abundance of the fish. Healthy stocks take less fuel to capture.
  • When compared to other studies of vegetarian and vegan diets, a selective nutrition of aquaculture and wild capture fisheries has a lower environmental impact than either of the plant-based diets.

In the future, the researchers plan to wait at biodiversity impacts every bit some other fashion to measure out environmental costs. The assay also mentions a range of other environmental impacts such as h2o demand, pesticide apply, antibiotic utilise and soil erosion that were addressed in some of the studies they reviewed, but not consistently enough to summarize in the study.

Co-authors are Jeannette Banobi, a former UW enquiry assistant in aquatic and fishery sciences; Teresa Pucylowski and Tim Walsworth, former UW graduate students; and Stephen Hall of Avalerion Capital.

The report was partially funded past the Seafood Industry Research Fund.


For more information, contact Hilborn at

Tag(southward): College of the Environment • Ray Hilborn • School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences


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